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Ouput Parameters

This section provides an overview of the ouput parameters available on the exposed Get Snap Parameters function.


Get Snap Parameters


Get Snap Parameters

Snap Parameters

Property Type Description
Snap Location Vector The closest snap location calculated based on the Target Object or Target Vector passed to the corresponding pin.
Snap Location UID String The unique identifier string for the current snap location is the hash of the snap location. It is important to note that the UID will change if you modify the Tile Size, as this will cause the snap locations to shift accordingly.
Hit Location Vector The hit location used for calculations.
Is Landscape Hit Boolean Indicates whether a trace hit result is from a landscape actor or not. Works only if Target Object is set.
Is Other Actor Hit Boolean Indicates whether a trace hit result is from any actor or not. Works only if Target Object is set.
Actor Hit Actor Actor returned by the trace hit result.
Drag Locations Array<DragResult> The drag result data for each snap location is stored in an array, which requires snapping to either the X and Y-axis or the Z-axis and dragging over a minimum of two tiles in order to hold meaningful values.
Drag Locations Count Int The number of detected tiles on the dragged area.

Drag Result

Property Type Description
Location Vector Snap location closest to a specific location where a drag has occurred.
UID String Unique identifier string for the snap location.