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Grid Actor

This section provides an overview of the CentralGrid actor's properties that affect the grid logic, visuals and debugging.


Get Snap Parameters

Property Type Description
Show Grid Boolean If set to true, the grid will be visible. Can be set at runtime.
Show Area Boolean If set to true, the area around the selected tile will be visible. Can be set at runtime.
Show Selected Tile Boolean If set to true, the selected tile will be visualized. Can be set at runtime.
Show Preview Mesh Boolean If set to true, a preview mesh will spawn to visualize and demonstrate item placement on the current snap location. Can be set at runtime.
Lock Grid Position Boolean If set to true, the grid position will be locked. Snapping will stay unaffected.
Grid Size Float Specifies the area size of the grid. Snapping will stay unaffected.
Grid Extent Float Specifies the extent of the grid. The greater the landscape elevation, the higher this value should be. Snapping will stay unaffected.
Grid Draw Height Start Int Specifies the start height from where the grid will be drawn. Snapping will stay unaffected.
Area Scale Factor Float Defines the scaling factor for the area surrounding the selected tile. The size of the area is proportional to the size of the tile and can be increased by a set percentage.
Tile Size Int Defines the size of the grid tiles.
Adjust Preview Mesh Size Boolean If set to true, the preview mesh will be resized in accordance with the tile size.

Colors & Materials

Colors & Materials

Property Type Description
Grid Color Linear Color Defines the color of the grid.
Area Color Linear Color Defines the color of the area surrounding the tile.
Selection Color Linear Color Defines the color of the selected tile.
Preview Mesh Color Linear Color Defines the color of the preview mesh.
Grid Glow Float Defines the glow intensity of the grid.
Area Glow Float Defines the glow intensity of the area surrounding the tile.
Selection Glow Float Defines the glow intensity of the selected tile.
Preview Mesh Glow Float Defines the glow intensity of the preview mesh.
Preview Mesh Transparency Float Defines the transparency of the preview mesh.
Custom Grid Material Material Replaces the material used by the plugin for the grid.
Custom Area Material Material Replaces the material used by the plugin for the area surrounding the tile.
Custom Selection Material Material Replaces the material used by the plugin for the selected tile.



Property Type Description
Enable Boolean If set to true, audio feedback for selected tiles is enabled. The playing of audio is dependent on the settings configured in the Get Snap Parameter function.
Volume Multiplier Float Volume multiplier for the audio feedback (Range 0-1).
Custom Cue Sound Cue Replaces the audio cue used by the plugin.



Property Type Description
Object Trace Distance Float Defines the Target Object trace distance. This value will be overwritten if Lock Z-Axis is set to true on the GetSnapParameter function.
Line Trace Extent Float Alters the start and end location for the line traces to calculate the z-coordinate to snap to.
Tile Corner Line Trace Padding Float Specifies the padding of the corner line traces. It is crucial to note that the value should only be intentionally set to zero or lower, as traces will hit the neighboring tile and potentially cause undesired side effects. The minimum value, which corresponds to the center location of the tile, is equivalent to half the tile size.
Drag Height Multiplier Float Multiplies the drag height, allowing you to drag higher but will also make scrolling more rapid.
Ignore Actors For Decals Array<Actor> Actors added to the array will not be affected by the grid visuals. This includes the grid, area and selected tile decals.
Ignore Actors For Line Traces Array<Actor> Actors added to the array will not be affected by any line traces issued by this plugin.



Property Type Description
Enable Boolean Enables debug settings.
Show Vertical Indicator Boolean If set to true, a vertical indicator will appear to assist with debugging vertical dragging.
Show Line Traces Boolean If set to true, all line traces used by the plugin for calculations will be visible.
Show Hit Location Line Boolean If set to true, the original hit location will be indicated by a vertical line.
Show Hit Location Sphere Boolean If set to true, the original hit location will be indicated by a sphere.
Show Debug Panel Boolean If set to true, a debug panel containing the most important information will be displayed in the top-left corner.
Line Trace Color Color Defines the color of the line traces.
Hit Location Indicator Color Color Defines the color of the original hit location indicator.