Possible Use Cases

  • Implementing a system for building or placing objects in a 3D space with precise positioning and snapping to a grid or other points of reference.
  • Creating a puzzle game or level editor that requires precise tile placement or snap-to-grid functionality.
  • Enabling players to create custom maps or levels for a game, with the ability to snap objects or tiles to specific locations.
  • Supporting a crafting or construction system that requires precise placement of components or parts.
  • Creating a game that involves navigation or movement in a 3D space, such as a platformer or a first-person game, with snap-to-grid functionality for character movement.
  • Implementing a system for placing or arranging objects in a 3D space that requires consistency or symmetry, such as in a building game or a city simulator.
  • Enabling players to create custom camera positions or movements that snap to specific locations or angles, such as in a game with multiple viewing modes or perspectives.

Youtube Demo